Document Details
Document Type |
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Thesis |
Document Title |
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The impact of Desalination Plants On The Marine Environment Of The Eastern Red Sea تأثير محطات التحلية على البيئة البحرية لشرق البحر الأحمر |
Subject |
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Faculty of Marine Sciences |
Document Language |
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Arabic |
Abstract |
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Global population growth and increasing consumption of resources continue to place ever-increasing pressure upon natural resources. The scarcity of water supply and poor water quality are considered the main difficulties to accomplish sustainable development and improvement in the quality of life. In response to increasing water scarcity, over the last 30 years desalination has evolved in to a viable alternative water supply. At the beginning of 2016, there were approximately 18,000 desalination plants worldwide, with a total installed production capacity of 86.55 million m3/day or 22,870 million gallons per day (MGD). Gulf regions have the largest number of desalination plant in the world. Specifically, 70% in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Kuwait. The present study is principally focused on the environmental impacts of 5 desalination plants located in the eastern Red Sea (Jeddah desalination plant, SAWACO, Rabig desalination plant, Yanbu desalination plant, and Shoaiba desalination plant). The studies have done based on the distribution of dissolved Cu, Ni, Zn, hydrographic parameters (temperature, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen), and nutrients. The basic technologies behind all these desalination plants are multi stage flash (MSF), multi effective distillation (MED), and reverse osmosis (RO) in order to get the fresh water from the brine water. To assess the each parameters, techniques like cathodic stripping voltammetry for dissolved metals, spectrophotometry for nutrients, and Multiparameter for hydrographic parameters were used. Apart from this each hydrographic parameters were standardized by conventional chemical methods.
The Jeddah desalination plant were showing the average surface value of dissolved Cu, Ni, and Zn were in the range of 15.02, 11.62, and 68.03nM respectively. The correspondent average surface concentrations at SAWACO were in the order of 28.44, 14.46, and 26.35nM of Cu, Ni, and Zn respectively. The observed concentration of Cu. Ni, and Zn at the surface of the Rabig desalination plant were in the range of 8.24, 5.28, and 12.69nM respectively. The surface value of Yanbu desalination plant were in the range of 17.53, 18.06, and 71.19nM of Cu, Ni, and Zn respectively. The Shuaiba desalination plant is a biggest desalination complex in the eastern Red Sea. Shuaiba complex producing over 0.88 million m3/day of desalinated water. The observed value of dissolved Cu, Ni, and Zn were in the range of 37.33, 13.41, and 71.23nM respectively. The distribution of dissolved Cu, Ni, Zn, nutrients, and hydrographic parameters (temperature and salinity) were at the discharging locations were high. The elevation in heavy metal and temperature is mainly due to distillation technique where high temperature enhance corrosion of metals. The addition of oxygen scavengers will reduce the level of dissolved oxygen at the discharging locations. In general, the addition of H2SO4 will enhance the minimization of scaling and to decrease the pH in order to drive out the part of dissolved carbonate and then increases the pH to normal range. However, the concentration is getting diluted within 10-20 meters of discharging point. The statistical validation has done at Yanbu and Rabig desalination plants, shows a significant positive correlation between metal and temperature with salinity and significant negative correlation between dissolved oxygen and pH with salinity |
Supervisor |
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Dr. Radwan Khalid Al-Farawati |
Thesis Type |
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Doctorate Thesis |
Publishing Year |
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1440 AH
2019 AD |
Added Date |
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Monday, August 19, 2019 |
محمد ممدوح فلاته | Fallatah, Mohammed Mamdouh | Researcher | Doctorate | |
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